The First Nations, Métis & Inuit Student Association (FNMISA) is where the medicine happens. We are an Indigenous student-run group within the Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS). The FNMISA’s purposes are to provide a variety of supports and resources to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit (FNMI) students. This includes support and preservation of the various cultural diversities of FNMI peoples, to advocate for services and resources necessary for FNMI students to succeed at Simon Fraser University (SFU), and to promote increased awareness of FNMI cultures and issues to the SFU Community.
To be a member of the FNMISA, one must have self-identified First Nations, Métis or Inuit ancestry and be registered in a course or associated with a faculty at SFU for the current, following, or previous semester.
FNMISA Members shall have full and equal participation rights of the fulfillment of quorum, access to FNMISA space and resources, motioning and voting at all FNMISA meetings, elections and eligibility for FNMISA Council, voting during FNMISA referenda, access to the open inspection of any administration documents of the FNMISA upon request addressed to the FNMISA Board, and to request a copy of the FNMISA Constitution and Bylaws of association.
Board Members
Joseph Marion
Position: Chair
Nation: Ojibway & Cree
Studies: Psychology
Favourite Food: Teriyaki beef on rice
Favourite Teaching from an Elder: Life comes in stages, take your time in each
Chris Sanderson
Position: Vice Chair + SFSS Council Representative
Nation: Peguis nation, Cree
Studies: Psychology/ Indigenous Studies
Favourite Food: Tacos
Favourite Teaching from an Elder: Don’t judge, criticize or condemn anyone for anything, because you don’t know what someone else has been through
Mackenzie Clearsky
Position: Treasurer
Nation: Pasqua First Nation
Studies: Bachelor of Business Administration
Favourite Food: Steak
Favourite Teaching from an Elder: Kwayask kîkway – balance
Peter Hance
Position: Indigenous University and Academic Affairs
Nation: Nlaka’pamux
Studies: English Major, Public Policy Minor
Favourite Food: Smoked salmon
Favourite Teaching from an Elder: Don’t let others decide what you are
Raven King
Positions: Indigenous Community and External Affairs
Nation: Cree-Métis-German, Peepeekisis Cree Nation
Studies: Public Policy and Resource and Environmental Management
Favourite Food: Blueberries
Favourite Teaching from an Elder: Gwan den
Erik Mohns
Position: Graduate Student Representative
Nation: Hupačasath
Studies: MSc
Favourite Food: Tacos
Favourite Teaching from an Elder: Always embrace your inner child because you should have fun and smile each and every day. It’s ok to make mistakes. I’m 80 and still make mistakes every day. The important thing is to learn
Tianne Jensen-DesJardins
Position: Graduate Student Representative
Nation: Red River Métis
Studies: Masters of Arts in English Literatures (will be starting PhD in English in the Fall)
Favourite Food: Ramen
Favourite Teaching from an Elder: However you live your Two-Spirit identity is enough
Morgan Peequaquat Tang
Position: First Year Representative
Nation: Yellow Quill First Nations and Vietnamese
Studies: Biomedical Physiology
Favourite Food: Banh xeo (Vietnamese savoury crepe)
Favourite Teaching from an Elder: You are your own worst enemy, so be kind to yourself
Akira Iahtail (Oskakochin Ohpipayiwin)
Positions: Events Coordinator
Nation: Attawapiskat First Nation
Studies: Indigenous Studies major, Cinema Studies minor
Favourite Food: Bannock & jam
Favourite Teaching from an Elder: Don’t judge just smudge
Kil Daagwiiya Hooper
Positions: Special Events Coordinator
Nation: Haida
Studies: Indigenous Languages and Political Science
Favourite Food: K’aaw (herring roe on kelp) and new potatoes
Favourite Teaching from an Elder: Yahguudang – respect
Angie Arrowmaker
Position: Social Media Coordinator
Nation: Dechı Laot’ı Tłı̨chǫ & Bisaya
Studies: Health Science
Favourite Food: My mom’s moose stew
Favourite Teaching from an Elder: Choose to surround yourself with kind and supportive people. Take care of each other as you learn and grow together
Sienna Dickson
Position: Witness
Nation: St̓át̓imc Nation
Studies: Joint Major in Archaeology and Indigenous Studies
Favourite Food: ‘Neeps and ‘Rotts (mashed rutabaga and carrots)
Favourite Teaching from an Elder: Seven Grandfather Teachings
Michelle Morris
Positions: Member at large
Nation: Anisininew from Muskrat Dam First Nation + Dene from Clearwater River First Nation
Studies: Psychology and Indigenous Studies
Favourite Food: Ode’imin 🍓
Favourite Teaching from an Elder: Laughter is medicine
Roland williams
Positions: Member at large
Nation: Huu-ay-aht First Nations
Studies: Biology
Favourite Food: Enchiladas
Favourite Teaching from an Elder: My nation wears face paint under eyes when dancing, and an elder told me we do two stripes under each eye to represent both sets of our grandparents and we do so to honour them
April Kornitsky
Positions: Member at large
Nation: Metis Nation of British Columbia
Studies: Indigenous Studies
Favourite Food:
Favourite Teaching from an Elder: Only harvest when you are in the right mood, mindset and carrying the right intentions